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Showing posts from January, 2025

Traveling with an anxious pup

If you're new here you might not know my dog has some pretty bad anxiety. Generalized/social not separation.  He's cool with being alone. He does seem to also suffer from FOMO a little too and throws a fit when we leave though. But if you read about Tuckers anxiety  it goes into depth about him, but he is medicated for it. He takes prozac daily and when something particularly stressful we have gabapentin.   Every year for Christmas we travel 6 hours north to my sister's house, she's a dog person so Tucker comes with me. It's a long car ride, and some of the basic things like people shadows lights windshield wipers all set him off really bad.   I am 99.99% confident that Tucker will not go up and bite someone, he's safe to be around. Just not to pet. But traveling with him is mildly unpleasant. So here are some tips and tricks that made our adventure a bit more enjoyable. Medication So tucker was prescribed prozac for daily use and gabapentin for really bad days...

New Year, New Beginnings

 Happy new years! New Year, new beginnings. Beginnings are always my favorite. I don't know there's just something about the start that brings me joy. It's a fresh start, a sign to let go of the negativity from before. Literally Mondays are my favorite, when I'd had a week where I can't seem to do anything right I know that I can start over.  Reflecting on last year 2024 was a good year, I'd gotten so many opportunities. Probably the best thing that could happen was getting my "Dream job". Ok so yes I'd been working in child care already I was essentially a nanny for a couple of sweet kiddos, but it was more babysitting especially financially. Don't get me wrong I made enough to cover my necessities, but there wasn't much room for extras. And I was working insane house, 12-16 hours a day on top of trying to coach cheerleading. So in march I made the hardest choice yet, and decided to accept a job at a daycare center. It was the best thing I...